Movie Research: Shutter Island

Hello, my name is Jose Retana.

What conventions of this genre did I see in this movie?

Characteristic of films and the psychological thriller genre, establishing shots were common in this film. I also took note of conventions like jump cuts whenever there were flashbacks, eye-line matches, and pan. Non-diegetic sound is used a lot in this film. Most characteristic of the psychological thriller genre was the use of POV shots and zoom. The use of sets to create the sense as well. 

What conventions did I like?

I enjoyed the use POV shots. It's a technique that I will consider using especially in my genre. Zoom is another one I liked, it makes such an intensifying suspense. Jump cuts is something I'll also use, only somewhat common in psychological thrillers but still good. I'm not too worried about diegetic/non-diegetic sound in my project, but I liked the use of it through the film. 

What conventions did not appeal to me?

The least that appeals to me is pan. Out of the conventions that I noted, it's the least likely to be in my project. Every time I see the use of it, it feels out of place. It's hard to master the use of a pan, Shutter Island did it well, but there's still problems. I feel that it would simply be too difficult to include a pan. I don't feel as if it would fit either. 


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