My Pitch

Hello, my name is Jose Retana, here are my pitches:

 Pitch A: Ryan Mitchell receives a phone call from an anonymous caller, who has inside information about his father's murder. 

Pitch B: A well known artist passes away in a town and leaves behind several paintings with hidden meanings. Mark Flintlock is assigned to the case. 

Discussing Pitch B: 

Honestly, when I thought of these storylines, I really wanted to go for a mysterious start. That's been proven to keep the reader entertained and that's what I went for in this pitch. I would be interested in making this film. The main benefit of this story is I don't have to think a lot, it's really straightforward in the story. My complaint with this is the setting and access to the props. I would have to make/buy AND analyze the paintings to make this work. Actually, that sounds really fun so not more a complaint but something I'd have to look forward to. 

Discussing Pitch A: 

Besides the cool name, this story just sounds like it would keep you at the edge of your seat. There are so many ways this story could go, it's mind-boggling. It's so easy to build suspense in this one too, and I think if weren't for the time limit you could really make someone spooked. However, I do have complaints. With the other story, the dialogue is probably straightforward and internal, but this one is a birds nest, I would have to make it convincing. Everything would have to be in line and be convincing to actually create suspense, the dialogue, the acting (probably the hardest part), and the setting. This one is also a little vague on where it can go, but I guess that's the fun of it. 

My final decision: Pitch A: "Ryan Mitchell receives a phone call from an anonymous caller, who has inside information about his father's murder. "

This storyline has a lot going for it. It's one of the few storylines that actually has infinite potential. If you think about it, there's so much ways this could go, so many possibilities. It was actually easy for me to choose this storyline, what I did was I looked at both ideas, and imagined it in my head while looking at which one gave me more story. I also weighed in the pros, the cons, and how it would look as a full on film, not just as an introduction. For the issues, I thought a little more and they’re solved except for the acting. I’ll for sure have to run multiple test runs in order to see if my acting will be convincing enough, but that’s in the future. Anyways, that's my choice, see you next time bloggers. 


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