Filming 3: Final Task

 Hello bloggers, my name is Jose Retana. Today we officially begin filming after the mess that was the mock filming. For a quick recap here are the things I learned and changed because of mock filming. 1. I am now recording in the day. 2. Lines have been memorized. 3. Set up the room to match the setting. 

If you'd like to see the process of why I am recording during the day, check out the last blog, it's really interesting and worth a read. This day is split into two, I will record the first scene in the morning, and the second scene in the afternoon. I know this contradicts my schedule plan, but I waited all week to record and I only have two days to film. My next blog will be scene three and the beginning of editing. 

Firstly, I'd have to say that scene 1 was the harder one to film. I had to find a sound effect for the phone ringing and the initial awkwardness was very present. It was something I overcame, but it was an obstacle nonetheless. Everything else, the lines, the filming, and the angles were perfect. I was satisfied. Same with scene two, there wasn't a major need for acting skills to play in so I just went with the lines. I credit the mock filming for making this a lot easier, and now I'll transition to scene three tomorrow. 

See you again, bloggers!


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